Mountain Man by Doris Rangel

Mountain Man by Doris Rangel

Author:Doris Rangel [Doris Rangel]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781459273856
Publisher: Harlequin

Hank heard the door bang behind him, knowing exactly what restraint Glorie had just exercised to keep from slamming it hard enough to knock it off its hinges.

He’d been needlessly rude. Hell, he’d been a horse’s behind! The thought shamed him.

The thought angered him.

Climbing into the battered old Mustang, he sighed in frustration. He owed the woman an apology, dammit. If he’d just kept his mouth shut they’d have been quits. Now that she’d repaid the money he loaned her, there should be no more strings, but now he owed her.

The motor took a little patient coaxing this time after its good behavior on the mountain, but it turned over at last and Hank backed the car out of the driveway and pointed it toward the mountain.

What really galled the hell out of him was his brief moment of dismay when Glorie Pellman repaid the money and he realized he didn’t want it, that he liked having that tie between them, liked knowing there was still a reason for them to come in personal contact.

Had he subconsciously tried to reweave the string by obligating himself with the apology he now owed her?

Ah, hell. Get a grip, Mason. Thanks to Gloria whatever-her-name-was-then, you gave up playing debit and credit games at fifteen. Remember?

His foot angrily punched the accelerator and the Mustang promptly stalled. Guiding it toward the curb while it still had motion, Hank took the vehicle out of the flow of traffic and tried to restart it.

This time, however, the Mustang remained stubbornly powerless. Not until he got out, put the hood up and fiddled with the engine did it deign to cough back into life.

Hank sat behind the wheel and let the motor idle for a few minutes, the old sports car now purring as well as it could, and considered his options for what remained of the day. He could go back to the cabin and continue the work on the Mustang Glorie’s visit interrupted. Certainly, the little car wasn’t feeling all that swift, pardon the pun.

Or he could sit on his front porch and read the paperback he bought yesterday, lean up against the same post where he’d held Jim’s sturdy little body on his lap…the spot where the child had listened to his heart.

That picnic lunch had been kind of meager. He could fix an early supper…in the kitchen where he’d kissed Glorie this afternoon. Or he could head back to the cliff…where he’d kissed her again.

A nothing kiss, that one. A sweet touching of mouths. He’d never in his life kissed a woman like that. And with a five-year-old kid as an audience, yet.

So why had his heart knocked against his chest like it was going to leap over the edge of his favorite high spot? And why, when he raised his face from Glorie’s and broke the soft contact, did he feel that a piece of him would be forever missing?

Well, he might owe the woman an apology, but that moment of clarity in her living room was right on the money.


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